Opening Inclusion for Equality to Jobs
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Ref. N. 2021-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000027401
Corsi OIE
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Il CORSO aiuta a conoscere il calcolo percentuale e lo sconto. La lezione si articola in DUE parti: teoria con slides esercitazioni di calcolo Per ...
1 lezioni
Questo corso di musica è per tutte quelle persone che hanno dubbi e/o non hanno studiato musica. Il corso stimola alla conoscenza della musica e ...
3 lezioni
Il CORSO aiuta a conoscere le mappe e calcolare le distanze La lezione si articola in DUE parti: teoria con video e slides esercitazioni di calcolo...
2 lezioni
Il CORSO aiuta a conoscere i settori lavorativi e il contratto di lavoro. Le lezioni si articoleranno in DUE parti: teoria esercitazioni pratico cr...
2 lezioni
Il CORSO aiuta a scrivere sulla città e sulla sua cultura La lezione si articola in DUE parti: teoria con testi, video ed immagini esercitaz...
1 lezioni
Questo corso di musica è indirizzato a tutte quelle persone che non hanno mai studiato musica e non sanno minimamente che cosa sia una nota, ma a...
1 lezioni

Robert Doe
MasterStudy used is an excellent workshop whether you come as a counselor, advisor, administrator, or faculty member. I am going home empowered. I am looking forward to attending the On Course MasterStudy and the MasterStudy National Conference next year and facilitating the use of this excellent retention/student success course at my college.

John Doe
It is no exaggeration to say this MasterStudy experience was transformative–both professionally and personally. This workshop will long remain a high point of my life. Thanks again…. I am feeling energized and eager to start teaching my class next week. I can’t wait to use all of my new teaching tools. I will absolutely recommend this workshop to other educators!

Tim Sab
MasterStudy used is an excellent workshop whether you come as a counselor, advisor, administrator, or faculty member. I am going home empowered. I am looking forward to attending the On Course MasterStudy and the MasterStudy National Conference next year and facilitating the use of this excellent retention/student success course at my college.

Xatashi Froust
The response to your MasterStudy has been really overwhelming! Those who participated in the workshop are spreading the word here on campus and the “buzz” is on. The VP of Instruction wants you to come back! Her goal is to have more faculty trained. She also wants to attend a workshop herself. Our President told me Masterstudy needs to be the cornerstone of our success program.”

Linda Green
It is no exaggeration to say this MasterStudy experience was transformative–both professionally and personally. This workshop will long remain a high point of my life. Thanks again…. I am feeling energized and eager to start teaching my class next week. I can’t wait to use all of my new teaching tools. I will absolutely recommend this workshop to other educators!
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